
IMG_0792My perfect day would start off with me having breakfast on the beach. Listening to the waves crashing and seeing the vastness of the ocean puts me at peace and sets the tone for the rest of my day. My name is Ashley Williams and I am currently an undergraduate double majoring in Computer Science and Interactive Digital Design at Quinnipiac University. I was born and raised on the beautiful island of Jamaica but I currently reside in Connecticut. On top of being a full time student, I currently work for the reputable Quinnipiac Polling Institute as an office assistant and phone interviewer, where I learn professional skills that I will continue to exercise throughout my career.

Aside from being a student and working, I love trying new things and experiencing new worlds. I would spend my days in Jamaica diving from cliffs into pristine blue waters, something that most people would fear doing. I am an art enthusiast and a true lover of the ocean and living in Jamaica made fulfilling these personal interests very easy.

Computers and art have always been of great interest to me and I have grown to love them more and more over the years. My interest in computers peaked my junior  year in high school. I took courses in C++ and Computer Information Systems at the Manchester Community College, where I earned a spot on the Presidents List all while still in high school. I took art courses all my years of school as I could not have imagined a semester without having that outlet. It was during my sophomore year of high school that I received my Art Achievement Award for having my work displayed in the Hartford Schools Art Exhibition.

I was always the one to add color to a room that was dull or wear bright summer nail polish in the winter. I have a true passion for art and design and I would love to share my creations with the world. Though it may seem like I am just a fun free spirited person, I am an intelligent and driven young woman who knows the value of having an education and is focused on achieving her goals of hopefully working for a well established company in New York City. Living in New York City would give me endless opportunities to express my art, network and build my future.

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