Rhythm and Balance, Scale, Texture

rhythm1Rhythm and Balance work hand in hand, its like the ocean and sand. As it relates to design balance activates and anchors elements. Imagine living a life without balance, there would be so much dysfunction. It’s the same with design, the design wont work if there is no balance. Weight throughout the design needs to be equal, the size, texture, value and shape of the elements in the design all come into play when you are trying to get a good balance. Rhythm is a repeated pattern, something that has a nice flow. Applying rhythm to a design surprises the eye of the viewer which is always a goal for designers. You want your viewers to feel intrigued or some sort of feeling when they view your work. Rhythm and Balance make achieving this goal more enjoyable and easier for the designers.


rhythm1_pbm1   Symmetry / Asymmetry and Repetition and change are ways to apply rhythm and balance .


scale1“Scale can be considered both objectively and subjectively.” As a designer your work should always have some sense of scale.  You have to make your design look realistic in the context that it is representing. Size matters ! Things may appear work well on screen but once in print you can easily see where the size of your elements don’t work with your scale. It goes back to balance, the individual elements of your design need to be sized respectively to make the design balance.

texture1Texture does wonders for a design both physically and virtually. It feels feel to a design, it takes your work out of space and gives it an address. Whether that address is the concrete pavement in Times Square or the carpet in your room it adds a great amount of detail and perspective.


The images above were taken from:

Graphic Design: The New Basics. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from http://www.gdbasics.com/html/book.html





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